Tag: app

Google Editions e-book

source – engadget.com By Donald Melanson

Think Google is content to simply make public domain books freely available for e-book readers? Not quite — the company has just confirmed that its previously announced Google Editions e-book service will finally be launching in late June or July. That service will apparently let folks buy digital copies of books they find through Google’s existing book search service, and let book retailers sell Google Editions on their own site and retain the “bulk of the revenue.” Details are otherwise still pretty light, including any word of pricing or publishers involved, but Google has previously said that it planned to make between 400,000 and 600,000 books available with prices set by the publishers.

iTag Locates Your Android Phone in the Event of Theft or Loss

source – lifehacker.com/

iTag is a FREE service to locate and protect your lost or stolen phone. View your cell phone’s location, make it ring from the website, lock the keys, back up your data, delete the information on the phone.


Windows 7 Touch Pack free for download

source – engadget.com/ By Donald Melanson

Microsoft releases Windows 7 Touch Pack to the general public –  free for download.

The Touch Pack includes:
Microsoft Blackboard, an intricate game of physics in which you solve a puzzle by creating a fanciful machine on a blackboard.

Microsoft Garden Pond, a tranquil game that takes place in serene Japanese water gardens.

Microsoft Rebound, a game in which you use your fingertips to control Tesla spheres with an electrical field between them to catapult a metal game ball into your opponent’s goal.

Microsoft Surface Globe, a program that you can use to explore the earth as a flat 2-D map or as an immersive 3-D experience.

Microsoft Surface Collage, a program that you can use to explore and interact with your photos and arrange them as a desktop background.

Microsoft Surface Lagoon, a screen saver and interactive water simulation, complete with a meditative rock arrangement and playful, shy fish.

If anything from the above sounds interesting and right for you touch enabled PC, follow the download link to Microsoft’s Windows 7 Touch Pack (size 239MB).

The next generation of Google Docs

source – googleblog.blogspot.com/
Today we are hosting nearly 400 CIOs and IT professionals from around the world atAtmosphere, our inaugural event at the Googleplex dedicated to cloud computing. The discussion is centered on how companies can focus their technology expertise on projects that truly improve their businesses instead of managing complex applications, technology platforms and devices. We are also sharing details about improvements to Google Docs, made possible by a new codebase that will allow us to deliver richer functionality more quickly.

New document and spreadsheet features
We’ve responded to many of your requests for features you’re used to in desktop software. In documents, we’ve added a margin ruler, better numbering and bullets and easier image placement options. And in spreadsheets, you’ll now find a formula editing bar, cell auto-complete, drag-and-drop columns and other features not possible with older browser technologies.

Higher fidelity document import
We’ve made big improvements to our document upload feature so moving files from your computer to the cloud is easier now. Imported documents retain their original structure more accurately, so you can hit the ground running editing in the browser without having to fix formatting like bullets and text alignment.

Speed and responsiveness
New browser technologies like faster JavaScript processing have made it possible for us to speed up Google Docs significantly. Even very large spreadsheets are fast to work with in your browser now. Applications that run this fast feel like desktop applications but have the unique advantages of being in the cloud.

Faster collaboration
We’ve extended Google Docs’ collaboration capabilities too, with support for up to 50 people working together at once, and in documents, you can now see other people’s edits as they happen character-by-character. And now you can also collaborate on flow charts, diagrams and other schematics in real time with a new editor for drawings on Google Docs.

Samsung i8910 HD runs 62 apps at once talk about multitasking

source – engadget.com/ by Sean Hollister

While iPhone 3G owners and would-be Windows Phone 7 buyers sit in the corner, quietly weeping over their lack of true multitasking, webOS and Symbian continue to point and laugh. In mid-January, a Palm Pre Plus was seen cackling with joy over its rivals’ misfortune even as the device staggered under the weight of 50 simultaneous applications, and less than a week later, a Samsung Omnia HD performed the very same feat, despite having only half the Pre Plus’ RAM (i.e. 256MB) to work with. Now, in what we can only interpret as a large middle finger and “come here” gesture to all who aspire to the cell phone multitasking heavyweight title, we have a video of the i8910 running no less than sixty-two applications thanks to a custom ROM by HyperX. Watch in stunned silence as a finger scrolls through them, right after the break.

Dashboard iPad app rejected by Apple, made open source instead

source – engadget.com/ by Donald Melanson

So you spend hours and hours toiling away on an app that adds some much-needed Dashboard-like functionality to the iPad (sort of, more on that later) only to have it rejected by Apple — what do you do? If you’re Hongrich, developer of the slightly problematically-named “Dashboard” app, you make it open source. Of course, you’ll have to be a developer yourself to actually try out the app, and it’s not exactly the full-fledged Dashboard that many have been hoping for, but rather a standalone app that simply lets you run and arrange widgets however you like. Still, it’s definitely a start. Head on past the break for a demo video, and hit up the source link to download it yourself.

Jobs: If you see a stylus or a task manager, ‘they blew it’

source – engadget.com/ by Nilay Patel

Steve Jobs is never one to mince words when taking questions from the press, and he just made it very clear how he feels about other platforms during the iPhone OS 4 event when asked about task management:

Q: How do you close applications when multitasking?
A: (Scott Forstall) You don’t have to. The user just uses things and doesn’t ever have to worry about it.
A: (Steve Jobs) It’s like we said on the iPad, if you see a stylus, they blew it. In multitasking, if you see a task manager… they blew it. Users shouldn’t ever have to think about it.

Yeah, that pretty much sums up the Apple Way, but hey — tell us how you really feel, Steve.

Google tweaks Gmail’s HTML5 web app to better utilize iPad screen space

source – engadget.com/

It’s still not a true Gmail app (sigh), but it’s a step in the right direction, we suppose. Google has today announced that it has released an experimental user interface for the iPad built on the Gmail for mobile HTML5 web app, but unlike the iPhone and Android versions, this one has been retooled a bit to best take advantage of those extra pixels. iPad Gmailers will find a two-pane view with their conversations on the left and messages on the right, and while it’s not exactly revolutionary, it’s certainly better than what we’re being forced to use on existing smartphones (and their comparatively minuscule displays). The company’s openly asking for feedback once your iPad lands, and we couldn’t help but notice that it pointed to the fact that Google is still the default search engine embedded into Safari. Who knows — maybe Steve and Eric really were talking about butterflies and buttercups the other day.

Apple posts up iPad Guided Tours

source – engadget.com/ by Nilay Patel

iPad pre-orders are just starting to ship out and Best Buy is getting prepped, but Apple’s just posted up a whole slew of its Guided Tours to hold you over until April 3. Sadly, we’re not seeing any entries for “How Do You Type While Standing Up” or “Why Do I Need A $30 Dongle To Get A USB Port On This Thing,” but the entries for Mail, Safari, iBooks, and the rest do include some revealing new information — and it certainly seems that tap-and-hold will be a big part of the UI paradigm. We’re still watching them all — let us know if you see anything interesting in comments.

Update: Okay, here’s the new stuff we’ve seen so far:

  • iBooks has an integrated search feature, a built-in brightness control, and a dictionary that can pull up any word just by tapping on it. The same dictionary is in Pages, too — we’re assuming it’s a system-wide feature available to any app, just like on Mac OS X. We’ve been told in the past that it supports user dictionaries and spellcheck, but we’ll see what actually ends up shipping.
  • There’s a quick mention of connecting the iPad to your home stereo in the iPod video, but no mention of streaming to the Airport Express or an Apple TV. There’s a big missed opportunity.
  • Typing with one hand on the portrait keyboard in Pages looks just as silly as you’d expect.
  • Numbers has a special formula keyboard.
  • Tap and hold is everywhere, and unlike the iPhone, the UI has “windows,” which are detailed info panes that float above the main app interface. The iWork apps also all have a “menu bar” area in the upper right that contain several options. You can see how interacting with an iPad will be familiar but still quite different than using an iPhone — depending on the apps, of course.

[Thanks, John]

Instapaper Pro for iPad

source – wired.com/ By Charlie Sorrel


Instapaper Pro, our favorite read-later iPhone application here at Gadget Lab, will be available for the iPad on day one. Over at the Instapaper blog, developer Marco Arment has posted screenshots and a great explanation of the problems facing developers without access to an actual, physical iPad.

Instapaper Pro for iPad will be a universal app, a bundle containing code for both the iPad and iPhone. This means that, if the app makes it through Apple’s approval channels, current Instapaper users will never have to see a pixel-doubled version, which “sucked, and it was completely unusable by my standards,” according to Arment.

Being a simple reading application, there aren’t many differences in the interface, which is mostly just text and pictures after all. Arment was wary of making changes without being able to see them in action: “I didn’t want to commit to any huge risks because I don’t have an iPad to test them on,” he says.

The one big change is the horizontal folder view, above. All it does is expose the folders into which your articles are organized (you knew Instapaper has folders, right?), but it looks to be a lot easier and more obvious to use.

Arment plans on making more tweaks when he has an iPad in his hands, but we’re very pleased he decided to go ahead with making an untested Instapaper available at launch. We feel exactly the same way as him about the app: “an iPad without native Instapaper Pro is not a device I want to own.”
